Iran Denies Role in Tanker Attack

A satellite image shows the damaged Mercer Street Tanker moored off the coast of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates, August 4, 2021. Satellite image copyright 2021 Maxar Technologies/Handout via REUTERS
A satellite image shows the damaged Mercer Street Tanker moored off the coast of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates, August 4, 2021. Satellite image copyright 2021 Maxar Technologies/Handout via REUTERS

Iran Denies Role in Tanker Attack

A satellite image shows the damaged Mercer Street Tanker moored off the coast of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates, August 4, 2021. Satellite image copyright 2021 Maxar Technologies/Handout via REUTERS
A satellite image shows the damaged Mercer Street Tanker moored off the coast of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates, August 4, 2021. Satellite image copyright 2021 Maxar Technologies/Handout via REUTERS

Iran on Saturday rejected as psychological warfare accusations that it was behind a deadly attack on a tanker off Oman's coast, and said Tehran sought to enhance the security of the strategic Gulf waterway.

Foreign ministers from the Group of Seven wealthy economies said on Friday Iran was threatening international peace and security and that all available evidence showed it was behind the attack on the Mercer Street tanker last week.

"If we were to confront enemies... we would declare it openly, so the recent storytelling by the enemies is a psychological operation," state media quoted Abolfazl Shekarchi, Iran's senior armed forces spokesman, as saying.

The vessel was a Liberian-flagged, Japanese-owned petroleum product tanker managed by Israeli-owned Zodiac Maritime.

Tehran has denied any involvement in the suspected drone attack in which two crew members - a Briton and a Romanian - were killed near the mouth of the Gulf, a key oil shipping route.

"Contrary to the strategy of the United States, Britain and the Zionist regime (Israel), which aim to create insecurity ...and Iranophobia, Iran's strategy is to strengthen security in the Gulf," Reuters quoted Shekarchi as saying.

The US military said explosives experts from the Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier - which deployed to assist the Mercer Street - concluded the drone was produced in Iran.

But Shekarchi said: "The Americans say they recovered parts of Iranian drones from the water....but in which laboratory was this evidence identified as belonging to Iran?," the Iranian state news agency IRNA reported.

"Preparing forged evidence is not a difficult task as the Zionists excel at preparing forged documents," Shekarchi said, suggesting Israel may have been behind the attack.

Despite Iran's denials, Britain, the United States and others have criticized Tehran for the attack. Britain raised the issue at a closed-door meeting of the United Nations Security Council on Friday.

Iran's deputy UN Ambassador Zahra Ershadi rejected the accusations that Tehran was behind the attack and warned against any retaliation: "Iran will not hesitate to defend itself and secure its national interests."

US to Give $404 Mn in New Aid for Palestinians

Secretary of State Antony Blinken - The AP
Secretary of State Antony Blinken - The AP

US to Give $404 Mn in New Aid for Palestinians

Secretary of State Antony Blinken - The AP
Secretary of State Antony Blinken - The AP

Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday announced $404 million in new US assistance for the Palestinians, as he urged other countries including US critics also to give money to address Gaza's humanitarian crisis.

The aid, announced at an emergency aid conference in Jordan, brings the total US contribution to Palestinians -- in Gaza, the West Bank and the region -- to $674 million since war broke out in October, according to the State Department.

But Blinken noted that a UN appeal for the Palestinians was only one-third funded, with a shortfall of some $2.3 billion, AFP reported.

"Some have expressed great concern over the suffering of the Palestinian people in Gaza, including countries with the capacity to give a lot, have provided very little or nothing at all," Blinken told an emergency aid conference in Jordan.

"It is time for everyone -- everyone -- to step up. And for those who have already given and given generously, give more," he said.

Blinken did not specify how the United States would deliver the assistance but Washington -- the largest donor to the Palestinians -- has focused on the World Food Program and private aid groups.

The US Congress has banned further contributions to the main provider of assistance on the ground -- UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees.